Family Man Work

Bring a Family Man to School Day

Bring a Family Man to School Days are a fantastic opportunity for the children to bring their family man to school for the day. The benefits for the school are to positively engage fathers in their children's education. Fathers are empowered and assured of how important their role is.

Men may volunteer for key roles such as governance, PTA, supporting the school in raising the profiles of positive male role models. We offer a complete Consultancy and facilitation service. Service includes pre planning, delivery and evaluation.

Family Man Work

Children need positive male role models. It's a fact that some children do not get to interact with men as often as they would like. "Bring a Family Man to School Day" provides an opportunity for children to bring their family man to school with them for a day!

The men really enjoy the opportunity to see how their children interact in school and the children enjoy spending this quality time with the men. Men feel quite marginalised when it comes to their children's primary school and the school take the opportunity to tell the men how much they could help their children by helping the school. Men can become happily involved in school life giving the mums a break at the Christmas Fair as well as a bank of skilled workforce For little jobs around the school. The children are delighted on Family Man Day and the morale around the school is very high. The buzz often lasts quite a while as the head and teaching team all benefit from engaging more with parents.

Ideal dates are Fathers Day week and Family Learning Week.

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